Mosquito Control Around the Home & Community

With the concern of the West Nile Virus and the growing problem of the mosquito population, we have compiled a few suggestions to help reduce mosquito populations by eliminating or properly maintaining these problem spots.

1. Do not store open containers, tires, etc. on your property where they can collect rainwater. Properly discard them as soon as possible.
2. Check flowerpots for excess water.
3. Flush out the water in birdbaths every few days.
4. Store boats, canoes and other objects so that they do not collect rainwater. Remove water that collects in depressions in tarpaulins covering boats and other equipment or objects.
5. Keep rain gutters free of leaves and other debris that prevent water from draining.
6. Correct drainage problems in your yard to prevent rainwater from pooling.

Some personal protection can be achieved through the use of insect repellents containing 20-30 percent Deet (N, N-diethyl-metatoluamide) applied to exposed skin or wearing protective clothing when go out-of-doors.

The City will continue to spray insecticides to help control adult mosquitoes from congregating in heavily populated areas such as parks, playgrounds, ball fields and neighborhoods, but once the chemical dissipates, the mosquitoes will return. We also use other types of chemical insecticides in large pools of water to try to eliminate breeding places, but these methods are expensive and difficult to maintain, especially with large amounts of rainfall, which we have experienced during the last few weeks.

The only long-term solution to the severe mosquito problem is modifying or eliminating breeding sites. In order to try to reduce the mosquito problem, the city is asking that you help by following the suggestions listed above. It will take a community-wide effort and awareness of causes and solutions that will enable us to be more successful.

The City of Searcy has an ordinance in place requiring premises to be kept free from weeds, rank grass, garbage, rubbish and other unsightly and unsanitary articles; requiring property owners to eliminate, fill up or remove stagnant pools of water or any other unsanitary thing, place or condition, which might become a breeding place for mosquitoes, flies and germs harmful to the health of the community. Once a violation of this ordinance has been reported, the property owner(s) will be duly notified by the Mayor that they have twenty days in which to comply. If at the end of the 20 days the situation still exists, the Chief of Police is authorized to enter upon the property and have said weeds, rank grass or other vegetation cut and removed, or eliminate any unsanitary and unsightly condition and the cost thereof shall be charged against said premises and shall constitute a lien thereon.

If you have questions concerning mosquito control, you can call City Hall for assistance or contact our local White County Cooperative Extension Service. You can also visit the following website: The White County Health Department has been very helpful and checking on areas of concern throughout Searcy and White County. We appreciate your support of our efforts to try to keep Searcy a safe community for all our citizens.

(Excerpts of this article were taken from the University of Arkansas, United States Department of Agriculture, and County Governments Cooperating brochure by John D. Hopkins, Extension Urban Entomologist; Max V. Meisch, Entomology Professor, and Kelly M. Loftin, Extension Livestock Entomologist.)


Searcy Swim Center


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